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This article, Raiju Raiju no Mi Model: Qilin, is property of ThePhantomPain84.

Raiju Raiju no Mi Model: Qilin
Japanese Name: 雷獣雷獣の実モデル麒麟
English Name: Raiju Raiju no Mi Mode: QIlin
Meaning: Thunder Beast Thunder Beast Fruit Model: Kirin
First Appearance: None
Type: Mythical Zoan
Eaten by: Harlock D. Ray

The Raiju Raiju no MI Model: Qilin (雷獣雷獣の実モデル麒麟, Raiju Raiju no Mi Moderu: Kirin) is a mythical zoan type devil fruit that was consumed by founder and captain of the thunderhorse pirates, Harlock D. Ray. It is a devil fruit that allows the user to transform into or utilize the powers of a mythical creature known as the Qilin. "Raiju" (雷獣) is Japanese for "thunder beast", reflective of the nature of the powers and abilities it grants to the user upon consumption.

The fruit originates from Judas Island, where the tribes people and the supposed guardian spirits of the small tropical island protected it for centuries before it was finally eaten by a young Harlock D. Ray, thus transforming him into a devil fruit user and kicking off his namesake as the legendary thunder beast who is now coveted and feared throughout many of the worlds oceans.


The Raiju Raiju no Mi was a forbidden object coveted as something cursed by the tribes people of judas, the island which it originated from. For hundreds of years the fruit remained sealed away in a secret chamber, protected fiercely by the tribe warriors of judas island, as well as the supposed guardian spirits which kept outsiders from finding and seizing the fruit as their own property. After washing up on judas island, a starving and severely malnourished Harlock D. Ray was fed the fruit by a village child in an attempt to save his life, thus restoring his strength, while granting him the ability to use the vast and devastating powers of the fruit as wel


The fruit resembles a blue pear with swirls covering its surface. It has a stem on top and a leaf on the side.

Abilities & powers[]

1.Thunderous Form: When transformed, the user gains a heightened physique with enhanced strength, speed, and durability. Their body becomes cloaked in ethereal armor that resembles storm clouds, which offers resistance to various forms of damage.

2.Lightning Manipulation: The user gains the ability to generate, control, and project lightning. They can conjure bolts of lightning to strike opponents from a distance, or they can channel the electricity into their melee attacks, electrifying their strikes.

3.Storm Aura: By channeling their inner thunder god, the user can create an aura of crackling energy around them. This aura not only damages nearby opponents but also repels incoming attacks to a certain extent.

4.Thunder Resonance: The user can manipulate sound waves and vibrations, mimicking the effects of thunderous roars. This ability allows them to disorient opponents, disrupt their concentration, and potentially cause structural damage to the environment.

5.Flight through Thunderclouds: The user can create and manipulate localized thunderclouds, using them to ride the currents of wind and lightning to achieve a form of controlled flight.

Strengths & Weaknesses[]


1. Water Vulnerability: Just like all Devil Fruit users, the Raiju-Raiju Fruit user becomes weak when submerged in water, losing the ability to move and defend themselves.

2. Electrical Overload: While the user gains control over electricity, they are also susceptible to its power. If the user absorbs or generates too much electricity, they risk overloading their own body, resulting in temporary paralysis or even unconsciousness.

3. Stamina Drain: The Raiju form requires a significant amount of stamina to maintain, and prolonged usage can lead to exhaustion.

4. Elemental Limitation: While the user can manipulate electricity, they are not invulnerable to other elemental attacks. Fire, for instance, could still harm them.

5. Predatory Instincts: In Raiju form, the user's instincts can become more primal, potentially leading them to act more instinctively and aggressively.


1. **Enhanced Senses**: In Raijin form, the user's senses are heightened, allowing them to perceive the world around them with extraordinary clarity. This heightened awareness makes it difficult for opponents to ambush or surprise them.

2. **Electromagnetic Shield**: The user can create a protective barrier of electromagnetic energy around them. This shield can deflect or absorb incoming attacks, providing a temporary defense against a variety of physical and energy-based assaults.

3. **Thunderstep**: The user can channel lightning energy into their footsteps, enabling them to move with incredible speed and agility. This allows them to traverse terrain swiftly and deliver lightning-fast attacks.

4. **Weather Manipulation**: Through their control over thunder and lightning, the user can influence local weather conditions to a limited extent. They can create small-scale thunderstorms or lightning flashes, which can be used strategically to create distractions or disrupt visibility.

5. **Thunderclap Stun**: By clapping their hands together with a burst of lightning energy, the user can create a shockwave of sound and electricity. This shockwave can disorient and temporarily incapacitate nearby opponents, providing a window for further attacks.

6. **Lightning Infusion**: The user can infuse objects with lightning energy, effectively turning regular weapons into electrified versions. This makes their attacks more potent and allows for creative use of the environment in battles.

7. **Elemental Fusion**: Through careful control of their lightning, the user can fuse it with other elements in the environment, such as earth or water, to create powerful combination attacks with varying effects.

8. **Thunder's Call**: The user can send out a psychic call to nearby thunderstorms, subtly influencing their movement and intensity. This ability enables the user to strategically harness the power of natural thunderstorms to their advantage.

9. **Electromagnetic Detection**: The user can sense the presence of electromagnetic fields and disturbances, giving them an advantage in detecting hidden opponents, traps, or technological devices.

10. **Healing Rain**: During intense battles, the user can summon a localized rainstorm charged with rejuvenating energy. This rain can soothe their wounds and temporarily boost their stamina, allowing them to continue fighting.


Usage: Ramiel uses this fruit mainly for combat purposes, as he can unleash powerful lightning attacks on his enemies. He can also use his lightning powers for mobility and stealth, as he can fly and turn invisible by turning into lightning.  


This fruit is based on the raiju , a legendary creature from Japanese mythology that is composed of lightning and often takes the form of a wolf or other animal.

This fruit is similar to the Goro Goro no Mi , another Logia-type Devil Fruit that grants the user the power to create and control lightning. However, this fruit is classified as a Mythical Zoan-type because it allows the user to transform into a specific creature rather than an element.

This fruit is also similar to the Inu Inu no Mi , Model: Raiju , another Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into a raiju . However, this fruit has more versatility in its transformations and powers than the other fruit.

  1. Abilities & powers